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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day! Can I stick you?

What better way to celebrate this once-in-every-four-years holiday by asking your closest friends if you can stick a needle in their arm? 

Nerd/med student alert: I've done this a grand total of twice (once in class and once during this workshop (sponsored by the Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine Clubs)...well, three times if you count the rubber, water-filled arm we all practiced on before attempting the real thing in class), and right before you insert the tube into the Vacutainer, there's a moment where you hold your breath and hope that bright red blood will come squirting into that tube (and that your friend is REALLY a friend, because wiggling a needle around in one's arm isn't exactly the most pleasant feeling).  Thankfully, I got it on the first try with my friend Weston, and I was expertly stuck by my friend Kim (whom I'll have to text later to let her know my arm didn't fall off). 

Pictures and deets can be found here, on the student government website (my other electronic baby).