Summary of this month:
Hernias: You have a hole in the wall of your gut/groin, and now stuff (fat or bowel) is poking out. We (and by "we," I mean the surgeon; I'll just stand there and maybe hold the retractor or cut knots, if I'm lucky and don't mess up) will put a piece of mesh over the hole and sew you back up. No, we can't throw in a tummy tuck.
Gallbladder: The little sack making bile is freaking out, so it's gotta go. You'll get some tiny cuts and we'll put a camera and some tools that look like mini versions of what delinquents use to pick up highway trash.
Appendix: See gallbladder. Also known as "surgeon's boat payments" back in the day. I don't even own my car, so I can't speak to how true that expression is.
Lumps and bumps: Something's there, and it needs to come out. (*Pilonidal cyst: Cyst in your buttock crack due to an ingrown hair. Also known as "Jeep seat" during WWII. Surprisingly common among men. Loved the looks I got when the male patients would have to get half-naked so the doctor could change the packing in the office. The more you know.)
Next month: hips, knees, shoulders, and maybe some fractures or other bone traumas. I'm just psyched to see the intimidating tools the surgeons get to use (saws, drills, hammers and the like). It will also be the first time I'll be on a service with a classmate, so I'm looking forward to having a battle buddy.
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The other week, I went to a local art studio for a painting party with some friends. This was the model... |