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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It's that time of year...

The time has come, ladies and gentlemen.

The time...when boys are made into men...

...and when those men not only get to go a month without shaving, but they get to carefully manipulate their facial hair into designs only dreamed of by 12-year-old boys. 

It is...the 2012 Mustache Competition

Every year, the Mustache Competition challenges the men (and women! Ladies, in some cultures, hirsutism is a sign of royalty!) of PCOM to grow the most outlandish mustache.  People vote for their favorites, and the winners are revealed at the Mustachio Bashio, which will be held on April 4 at Bourbon Blue. Categories include Best Overall Mustache, Best Mustache/Costume combination (oh yeah, mustaches AND costumes, these boys don't play around), and Best Attempted Mustache.

Proceeds from this year's contest will go to the American Cancer Society (sponsor of this year's Relay for Life!). 

Now that you're undoubtedly highly intrigued, here are all of the clean-shaven, "I'm so sad because I haven't been transformed into a mustached pimp with SWAGGAH" before photos (to prevent anyone from gaining an unfair advantage by starting off looking like Chewbacca). Check back in a few weeks for the "afters."