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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day! Let's celebrate by studying all the X-linked diseases.

It is a lovely 78 degrees, without a cloud in the sky, here in Philadelphia.

Where I should be, in a perfect world: On a bench in Central Park, tackling my to-read list (at the top: "The Help" and "The Hunger Games"), sipping some iced caffeinated beverage, wearing some straight-off-the-mannequin ensemble from anywhere that's not the outlets (I'm debating between super-prep J.Crew-ish and ironically cool hipster). Yeah, I know it's NYC, not Philly, but ask any of my friends, "the City" (as we lawnguylandahs call it) is my personality in urban form. Oh, and throw in Mother's Day brunch somewhere (thanks, Mom, for giving me life so that I hopefully make you proud by answering over half of the questions on the boards correctly, through some miracle). 

Where I would be, in the real world (if I had a job and wasn't in my 18th year of schooling): With friends at the Aberdeen Dad Vail Regatta, the largest collegiate regatta in the United States, which takes place on the Schuylkill River, cheering on the good ol' rose and grey. Add in caffeinated beverage and outfit that's from either the outlets, Marshall's, or Kohl's (but if I'm cheering on my alma mater, then it would definitely have to be hipster). 

Where I am: Indoors. And sick with a head cold. And studying. No iced caffeinated beverage, and wearing a club t-shirt I stole out of the club closet last summer and a pair of gym shorts I've had since high school. OMM win: with all this sinus/ear pressure that's going on, the ENT sequence we learned to get all that fluid moving has come in handy, because although you might look a little funny in public doing it on yourself, but you can BREATHE after. It wasn't an all bad weekend, though. I got to celebrate the graduation of a sibling (to protect her privacy, I won't say from where, but I am incredibly jealous of those than can participate in the Anassa Kata) and got to spend some time with family. And you know what family time means: you go out to eat and order extra food so that your meals for the next couple of days are taken care of. 

Less than two weeks until the USMLE, and since family bonding time (read: chaos because there's over a dozen of us in three cars, but only one driver (maybe 2) knows where anything is around here, people don't answer their cell phones, the older members of the caravan want to get going after graduation so that they arrive back in NY before it's dark, and others want a guided tour of the campus but the graduate is off taking pictures with her friends) doesn't leave a whole lot of time for studying, I have some catching up to do. 

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful moms out there! Since I don't have children, I don't know what it's like to carry a tiny human inside you for nine months and then shoot it out, but I'm guessing it's quite a memorable experience (so my mother says). 

Some ideas for last-minute Mother's Day cards: