Happy May Day! Finals are over, and now it's full boards mode for the next 22 days (just typing that number gave me anxiety.) Aside from becoming best friends/mortal enemies with Goljan and the First Aid authors, nothing exciting is going on, but I didn't want you guys to think I abandoned the blog. Then I thought about ways that I could liven up my pre-rotations entries and all the social media I could utilize and came up with this:
I would Instagram, but it would just be artsy-hipsterish pictures of my books and office supplies, and my true hipster co-worker would totally make fun of me for taking them.
I would tumblr (or tumble?), but I still have no idea how that site works, except that my sister has one and posts artsy photos, which I then steal and then pin on Pinterest. (Plug for the most accurate depiction of medical school life: http://whatshouldwecallmedschool.tumblr.com/. I don't know how my friends found this site, but it is amazing and I check it every morning.)
I would Facebook, but most of my friends have deactivated their accounts because they're good students (whereas I still keep the tab open while I'm doing COMBANK questions), so my news feed isn't exactly hopping. Those friends that still have their Facebooks (myself included) update their statuses with how much they hate studying, and then the rest of us join in the commiserating, and then one of us will post something from #whatshouldwecallmedschool. It's a vicious cycle.
I would Pin (on Pinterest), but...wait, there's no "but." I Pin and I'm not afraid to say it. I have boards full of clothes I wish I owned, houses I wish I lived in, and recipes I wish I had the time/kitchen space for. It's fun and depressing at the same time.
I would tweet, but don't have a Twitter. So that solves that.
Back at square one. So now I'm opening it up to you: if you have any questions about life at PCOM, my experiences at school/outside of school, general life questions, email studentlife@pcom.edu. It's the general email for the Student Organizations Council, so if you send something there, I'll get it. Keep it classy, and I'll do my best to answer any questions you have in the most linear way possible. And if I can't, there's always this: